ILTA Letter to Chairman Johnson in Support of his CFATS Amendment
March 10, 2020
The Honorable Ron Johnson
Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Chairman Johnson,
Your staff has shared with us an Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to S. 3416, a bill to reauthorize and reform the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) Program, that you plan to offer at a HSGAC Markup of the legislation on Wednesday, March 11. ILTA applauds your efforts to reauthorize this important program, and we are pleased to offer our endorsement and support of your revised bill.
The CFATS program has helped focus our industry, and many other industries, on security against terrorism and has made our nation more secure. In response to the CFATS program the Liquid Terminals industry and others have invested millions of dollars and instituted more effective security measures at our facilities.
Without reauthorization the CFATS program will sunset on April 18, 2020. We have supported and worked with you, your staff and with many others in the effort to find a bipartisan compromise that will preserve this important security program without interruption. We hope those efforts will continue as the legislation moves through the legislative process.
ILTA sincerely appreciates the efforts you and your staff have made to work with us on this important issue. We are especially appreciative of your efforts to ensure appropriate treatment of gasoline, diesel and other fuel mixtures under the CFATS program.
We look forward to continuing to work with you, Ranking Member Gary Peters and the House of Representatives to preserve the CFATS program.
Kathryn Clay