International Liquid Terminals Association > Events & Training > Partners in Training
International Liquid Terminals Association
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Trinity Consultants, in partnership with the International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA), offers the following public training courses at a discount to ILTA members. Simply use the discount code ILTA30 when you register to receive a 30% discount off the standard training price. 

The courses outlined below are specifically relevant to Liquid Terminal operating companies. Start learning today and visit to register!

Clean Air Act Workshop for the Liquid Terminal Industry
This one-day course is designed for liquid terminal environmental professionals, covering essential environmental topics for operators of terminals, aboveground storage tanks, and pipelines. Topics include air permitting (PSD nonattainment/minor NSR, Title V), Clean Air Act emission standards (NSPS, NESHAPs/MACT), and innovative compliance methods. Case studies and group exercises maximize understanding of this challenging material.

Tank Regulations Primer
This is a two-day course covering tank and floating roof details (lots of graphics and pictures), as well as the EPA regulations that apply to storage tanks. The course covers rules for terminals as well as other industry types. The course does not include emissions estimating, as the two other courses below cover this topic. The Tank Regulations Primer is offered 2-3 times per year. Each time it is offered, the emission courses are offered on the two immediately following days.

Fundamentals of Tank Emission Calculations
This one-day course covers tank emissions estimating methods in detail, including the recent changes to AP-42. Routine and nonroutine (roof landing, tank cleaning) emissions are covered. Additional topics include tanks at elevated temperatures, tank emission minimization strategies, and speciation.

Tank Emission Calculation Workshop with TankESP Software
This is a one-day hands-on computer tutorial in the use of our BREEZE TankESP software. TankESP applies the AP-42 Chapter 7 methodology to estimate routine emissions from tanks, including tanks that are heated and/or insulated, and emissions from MSS events (i.e., floating roof landings and tank cleanings). TankESP also provides for the calculation of maximum short-term (lb/hr) emission rates, determination of effective throughput from liquid level data, and estimation of emissions from heating cycles. This course includes hands-on exercises requiring the use of a computer. All attendees will receive temporary access to BREEZE TankESP for the duration of the course, so users do not need a subscription nor past experience with BREEZE TankESP prior to the course.

Tanks & Terminals Emission Calculations Workshop with BREEZE ESP+
This course offers two 4-hour instruction sessions on adjacent days, offering hands-on practice using BREEZE ESP+. BREEZE ESP+ is the next generation of BREEZE TankESP, containing all of the functionality and features of BREEZE TankESP, but it also enables users to easily estimate air emissions from other sources commonly found at terminal and pipeline facilities, including catch pans, combustion units, control devices, equipment leaks, line/vessel openings, sumps/oil-water separators, and trucks (heavy- and light-duty). This course includes hands-on exercises requiring the use of a computer.

All attendees will receive temporary access to BREEZE ESP+ for the duration of the course, so users do not need a subscription nor past experience with BREEZE ESP+ prior to the course.

If you have a question or comment, please submit it here. Trinity Consultants will respond within one to two business days. If you need a quicker response, please contact Trinity Consultants directly at 800.229.6655.