Welcome to Think Tank, ILTA's New Blog
International Liquid Terminals Association
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Think Tank is the blog of the International Liquid Terminals Association, which highlights the liquid terminal industry and its importance to the U.S. and world economies.


Welcome to Think Tank, ILTA's New Blog
Cathy Landry
/ Categories: Blog

Welcome to Think Tank, ILTA's New Blog

Welcome to ILTA’s new blog, the Think Tank! We are launching this blog to provide a forum to highlight the liquid terminal industry and its importance to the U.S. and world economy. We will discuss the products stored and handled by liquid terminals, as well as about safety, security and environmental responsibility.

We hope to give readers a better understanding of how the liquid terminal industry works. Terminals are more than tanks; they are the essential logistics hubs that allow products to move to end-users. We will walk our readers through how they work and are regulated, but we also intend to show how terminals touch and improve your lives every day.

We intend use the blog to talk about ILTA’s advocacy initiatives, including by giving you insights on what is happening in Washington, including on Capitol Hill and at the regulatory agencies that oversee the industry.

Initially, we will look to post about two to three times a month.

We want to meet your needs. So, if you have blog ideas, we’d love to hear them. We are also open to guest blogs. Please feel free to reach out to Cathy Landry, ILTA senior director of strategic communications, clandry@ilta.org if you have questions or comments.

Look for us on the ILTA website. You can also read the blog on our social media channels.


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