ILTA president lauds EPA for final rule on in-service tank inspections
International Liquid Terminals Association
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Cathy Landry
/ Categories: Press Releases

ILTA president lauds EPA for final rule on in-service tank inspections


Washington, D.C., January 11, 2021—Kathryn Clay, president of the International Liquid Terminals Association, today commended the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for taking final action to allow added flexibility to terminal operators while ensuring high-quality liquid tank inspection. The final rule went into effect January 19, 2021, upon publication of a notice in the Federal Register:

“ILTA appreciates EPA’s efforts to finalize this rule that allows the use of modern tank inspections methods to find and correct air pollution leaks at large liquid storage tanks. This final action is a win-win for both the environment and the industry.

“The EPA rule announced today is a common-sense solution that will lower emissions, ensure safety and provide operators with increased regulatory flexibility. By allowing greater use of a well-established, safe and effective inspection method, this new policy is a meaningful contribution to our shared goal of environmentally responsible facility management.

“ILTA and its members applaud EPA’s willingness to address an issue that became especially challenging over the past year due to the pandemic-related imbalances in petroleum and fuels markets that constrained the storage sector.”



Founded in 1974, the International Liquid Terminals Association represents more than 85 companies operating liquid terminals in all 50 states and in over 40 countries. Our members’ facilities provide critical links between all modes of transportation for liquid commodities, such as crude oil, petroleum products, chemicals, renewable fuels, fertilizer, vegetable oils and other food-grade materials that are central to the U.S. economy. Terminals provide essential logistics services that spur trade both within the United States and connect the U.S. economy with overseas markets. ILTA’s membership also includes about 400 companies that supply equipment and services to the terminal industry.


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