New ILTA 2023 Safety Survey to Launch in December 2022
International Liquid Terminals Association
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Christopher Meilink
/ Categories: ILTA News Articles

New ILTA 2023 Safety Survey to Launch in December 2022

ILTA is excited to be moving forward with a newly improved safety survey and awards program. Set to launch in mid-December, the new safety survey will bring added depth and better benchmarking to our safety program.   

A working group made up of a subset of our Health and Safety Committee has been reviewing and remodeling the program since March 2022.  The working group has delivered a product focused on leading indicators to complement the reliance on lagging indicators such as the total recordable incident rate (TRIR).  Led by Chair Shannon Caldwell of Zenith Energy, the group created twenty questions that identify key components of an effective safety program.   

As previously reported in our October newsletter, the new survey was presented to the Health and Safety Committee in September and approved to move forward to beta testing.  Six individuals have volunteered to serve as beta testers and we expect their review to conclude shortly.  

This survey will be the first of two parts of data submission by terminal operator members for consideration for the ILTA Safety Excellence Award.  Terminal member companies will also be required to submit their 2022 OSHA data in response to a second survey to be distributed in February 2023.  While greater weight will be given to the leading indicator components, both submissions will be required for a company to be eligible to receive an ILTA safety award. 

ILTA has also moved the survey to a user-friendly online platform to improve the member experience.  We estimate that the first survey will take no more than 30 minutes to complete, and the second survey to take no more than five minutes to complete.  

If you have any questions or would like to be added to the email list to receive the surveys, please get in touch with our Member Services Manager, Christopher Meilink, at or 856-375-9407. 

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