ILTA Board of Directors March 2023 Meeting
International Liquid Terminals Association
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Jay Cruz
/ Categories: ILTA News Articles

ILTA Board of Directors March 2023 Meeting

ILTA’s Board of Directors convened in Washington D.C. March 1-3 for the yearly spring Board meeting. After a successful Hill Day on March 1, the Board and ILTA staff held internal meetings on March 2 and 3 over organizational operations, finances, the annual Conference & Trade Show, and beyond.

Thursday’s meeting, led by Chairman Tim Winters and welcoming two new board members in Meredith Wilson from Buckeye Partners and Michael Gebhardt from Marathon Petroleum, began with a review of fiscal year 2023. Planning for the Conference & Trade Show and ILTA’s continued membership growth in 2022 into 2023 showed the organization to be in strong financial health. During the government affairs portion, ILTA’s General Counsel and Vice President of Government Affairs Michael Stroud overviewed the organization’s continued efforts regarding both PFAS and CFATS policy developments. The afternoon was capped by a discussion with Jonathan Black, the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s Senior Director for Chemical Safety, regarding the association’s stance on PFAS transition and how ILTA and President Biden can work together to find a mutually beneficial solution.

Day two featured an update from Wyman Company on ILTA’s trade show, sponsorship and advertising revenue, and projections. Finally, the Board’s respective Finance, Operations, and Strategic Planning committees met to plan for the year ahead.

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