ILTA lauds Congressional reauthorization of CFATS program
International Liquid Terminals Association
Cathy Landry
703-875-2011 x18
ILTA lauds Congressional reauthorization of CFATS program
Arlington, VA, January 18, 2019—Kathryn Clay, president of the International Liquid Terminals Association, today lauded the U.S. Congress for extending authorization of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program. The Senate unanimously approved the measure January 17 and the House unanimously approved it January 18:
“ILTA applauds Congress for extending—on the day it was set to expire—this important security program, which regulates critical chemical facilities to guard against terrorist attack.
“This 15-month extension gives us the opportunity to make necessary changes to the program, while continuing to ensure the security of facilities that store the highest-risk chemicals.
“For the past decade, ILTA has been the leading voice encouraging the Department of Homeland Security to correct the treatment of gasoline and other fuel blends under the CFATS program. ILTA looks forward to working with Congress and DHS to ensure that fuel blends are treated on par with similar materials under CFATS implementation.”
“We urge President Trump to sign this important reauthorization legislation as soon as possible.”
ILTA is the international trade association that represents more than 80 commercial operators of aboveground liquid storage terminals serving various modes of bulk transportation, including tank trucks, railcars, pipelines, and marine vessels. Operating in all 50 states, these companies own more than 600 domestic terminal facilities and handle a wide range of liquid commodities, including crude oil, refined petroleum products, chemicals, biofuels, fertilizers and vegetable oils.