International Liquid Terminals Association > About ILTA > ILTA Membership
International Liquid Terminals Association
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Why join ILTA? 

ILTA Members represent a diverse group of companies that are each critical links in the storage and transportation of liquid commodities. ILTA has two membership categories: terminal members and supplier members. All ILTA Members, large and small, believe that a unified association is in their best interest. As an association, we enable our members to pool their resources to effectively monitor and help shape laws and regulations, in addition to fostering educational, training, and networking opportunities for the entire industry.

Exclusive ILTA Benefits: 

  • Unparalleled networking opportunities
  • Forums, committees, working groups, webinars
  • Resources to help drive operational excellence
  • Industry-tailored educational and training programs
  • Information-filled monthly and weekly newsletters
  • Access to industry benchmarking through safety and employee compensation surveys 

If your organization is ready to apply for Terminal Membership, don't hesitate to contact Loren Eisenlohr, Senior Director of Marketing and Member Relations, at


worker descending on ladder from top of tank

tank temrinal worker midfield yellow red pipes foreground

ILTA Terminal Members

ILTA Terminal Members consist of corporations and partnerships that own or operate liquid terminals worldwide. Most of these facilities transfer liquids in bulk quantities from one mode of transportation to another, in addition to storing products in aboveground tanks. Some facilities consist of breakout tanks along pipelines, and others handle direct product transfers between trucks and railcars.

Terminal Member Benefits

ILTA Supplier Members

ILTA Supplier Members are companies that supply a wide range of products and services to the liquid terminal industry. ILTA currently has 300+ supplier members.

Supplier Member Benefits