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Think Tank is the blog of the International Liquid Terminals Association that highlights the liquid terminal industry and its importance to the U.S. and world economy.


ILTA 2021 Conference to Feature Three More Fantastic Sessions

Jay Cruz 0 1510

We are rapidly approaching ILTA’s 2021 Operating Conference and Trade Show, set for October 4-6 in Houston, TX. Every year, our conference brings together terminal professionals, government officials and subject matter experts to share their insights on the challenges facing the terminals industry and its future. In today’s Think Tank blog, we wanted to highlight three more fantastic sessions we have planned for this year’s event. Be sure to register as soon as possible to secure our early bird rates!

Colonial Pipeline CEO Testifies After Pipeline Shutdown

Jay Cruz 0 1504

Following the Colonial Pipeline shutdown in early May, Colonial Pipeline CEO Joseph Blount faced two days of questioning June 8 and 9 before both the Senate Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee and the House Committee on Homeland Security. During the hearings, Blount defended his company’s decision to halt the pipeline’s operations and pay a $5 million ransom to DarkSide, the eastern European hacker group responsible for the ordeal.

Biden Kicks Off Budget Negotiations with $6 Trillion Request

Environmental, Climate Programs Highlighted

Cathy Landry 0 1514

The White House submitted a $6 trillion budget for the 2022 fiscal year to Congress on May 27, representing the most sustained spending in over 50 years. The budget proposed by the White House is the President' Biden’s initial offer to Congress in negotiations over the federal budget and is likely to change before becoming law. It calls for spending to jump to more than $8 trillion by 2031.

Infrastructure Negotiations Heat Up, But Deal Remains Elusive

Andy Wright 0 1365

Following overwhelming bipartisan approval in late April of a $35 billion measure to clean up the nation’s water systems, and the unanimous Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approval on May 26 of a $311 billion highway bill, President Biden hopes to carry that spirit of cooperation to his ambitious multitrillion-dollar infrastructure package. Unfortunately for him, moments of cooperation in deeply divided Washington can be fleeting. 
