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Think Tank is the blog of the International Liquid Terminals Association, which highlights the liquid terminal industry and its importance to the U.S. and world economies.


Congressional passage of WRDA bill good news for liquid terminals

Cathy Landry 0 1570

A piece of legislation critical to the liquid terminal industry was tucked into the omnibus spending and coronavirus relief bill passed by the Senate near midnight yesterday. While the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 will not get the attention of some of the other measures in the relief bill, its passage is extremely important to the terminal industry because WRDA funds the maintenance, construction and improvement of our nation’s harbors, inland waterways and ports. Water infrastructure is critical to facilitate the trade we will require to help our economy recover and position the nation for long-term growth. 

ILTA Helping Push In-Service Tank Inspection Rules over the Finish Line

Cathy Landry 0 1529

ILTA has been hard at work continuing the push to get an Environmental Protection Agency proposal on in-service tank inspections across the finish line. The proposal, on which ILTA submitted comments on November 30, would allow operators of tanks regulated under the New Source Performance Standards of Subpart Kb to use the in-service inspection requirements of Subpart WW to conduct periodic inspections of internal floating roof rim seals.