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Think Tank is the blog of the International Liquid Terminals Association, which highlights the liquid terminal industry and its importance to the U.S. and world economies.


EPA Finalizes In-Service Tank Inspection Rules

Cathy Landry 0 1743

ILTA is extremely pleased to announce that the US Environmental Protection Agency today finalized its new rule expanding the use of in-service tank inspections. The final rule, published in the January 19 Federal Register and in effect immediately, allows operators of tanks regulated under the New Source Performance Standards of Subpart Kb to use the in-service inspection requirements of Subpart WW to conduct periodic inspections of internal floating roof rim seals.  

ILTA Committees Provide Opportunity for Professional, Industry Growth

Cathy Landry 0 1427

Join us January 11-14 for our virtual EHSS meetings 

As we begin a new year, we hope employees of our terminal members take the opportunity for greater professional and personal growth by joining one of ILTA’s  committees, subcommittees and working groups that serve as a cornerstone for advances in terminal industry safety, environmental compliance and security.