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A respected industry publication for ILTA members, this monthly newsletter highlights legislative and regulatory activities affecting terminal facilities. It also provides news on recent business development within the terminal industry, including new construction, expansions, acquisitions and additions to ILTA's membership, as well as important information about ILTA's committee meetings, conferences and training events. ILTA also offers ILTA News Plus to members. This publication, sent on weeks that ILTA News is not published, aggregates industry and member news.

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ILTA 2023 Conference to Feature Four Tracks of Fantastic Panels, Presentations, and Conversations

Jay Cruz 0 252 Article rating: No rating

The day-and-a-half long Conference portion of ILTA’s 2023 Operating Conference & Trade Show, May 22-24 in Houston, Texas, will feature four tracks along the topics of Environment; Operations & Engineering; Health, Safety, & Security; and Leadership. Here is just a sample of the fascinating educational content we have in store:

Next Generation Workforce Perspectives

This breakout session will feature rising leaders in the Under 35 category of the workforce at ILTA terminal company and supplier company members. Each panelist will describe what brought them to the terminal industry and what excites them about the future of their industry.  In addition, these emerging leaders will share their thoughts on the best support, training, or other opportunities that they have received from their employers.  Participants will also hear what our panelists recommend that hiring managers communicate to other early-career professionals during recruitment efforts to encourage that they join in creating the terminal industry of the future.

Member Feature: Traci L. Johnson, PE

Kathryn Clay 0 499 Article rating: 2.7

As Traci L. Johnson, PE was nearing the end of her freshman year at Tulane University in New Orleans where she was studying chemical engineering, she didn’t know how she was going to spend her summer, but she knew it involved getting a job.

“At a family gathering, I learned that an aunt worked at a company that ‘hired engineers,’” Johnson recalled. “Soon thereafter, I was hired as summer help at International-Matex Tank Terminals (IMTT) answering phones and filing papers in what used to be known as the Engineering and Environmental Department of the company—not exactly technical work, but it beat working as a cashier at the school bookstore!”

Thankfully, Johnson was eventually given the opportunity to do more technical work under the supervision of the Environmental Manager.

“At that point, I was hooked and never looked back.”

Opportunities for Liquid Terminals in the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Boom

Kathryn Clay 0 375 Article rating: No rating

A global push for decarbonization of the aviation sector, which accounts for over 2% of global energy emissions, has led to a considerable increase in demand for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). SAF is a “drop-in” liquid hydrocarbon fuel made from renewable or waste resources which has lower greenhouse gas emissions than petroleum-based jet fuels and can be used in existing airplanes and engines.  Just last month Boeing announced that it will purchase 5.6 million gallons of SAF in 2023. To put this purchase in perspective, it is equivalent to 25% of all jet fuel used by Boeing in 2022. Similarly, United Airlines, along with 5 corporate partners, announced the creation of a venture capital fund focused on SAF production, accompanied by an initial $100 million investment. In response to the goal set by the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge (launched by the DOE, DOT, and USDA) of supplying enough SAF to meet 100% of aviation fuel demand by 2050, the Federal Government has also moved to increase SAF supply through several measures, including the creation of a SAF-specific tax credit in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. All of these efforts feed into a market trend that present an opportunity for liquid terminals.


ILTA Board of Directors March 2023 Meeting

Jay Cruz 0 345 Article rating: No rating

ILTA’s Board of Directors convened in Washington D.C. March 1-3 for the yearly spring Board meeting. After a successful Hill Day on March 1, the Board and ILTA staff held internal meetings on March 2 and 3 over organizational operations, finances, the annual Conference & Trade Show, and beyond.
