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A respected industry publication for ILTA members, this monthly newsletter highlights legislative and regulatory activities affecting terminal facilities. It also provides news on recent business development within the terminal industry, including new construction, expansions, acquisitions and additions to ILTA's membership, as well as important information about ILTA's committee meetings, conferences and training events. ILTA also offers ILTA News Plus to members. This publication, sent on weeks that ILTA News is not published, aggregates industry and member news.

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ILTA Developing Legislation on PFAS Transition

Michael Stroud 0 155 Article rating: No rating

ILTA is engaged in a two-pronged approach on PFAS issues impacting the liquid terminal industry.

First, ILTA is working on transition legislation to provide a transparent pathway and timeline away from PFAS-based firefighting foams. ILTA is working with a coalition of other organizations, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), to advance PFAS-transition legislation. This legislation would provide a transparent pathway to move away from PFAS-based firefighting foams. Some of the highlights of the legislation are:

  • End the sale of firefighting foam containing PFAS;
  • Phase out the use of firefighting foam containing PFAS;
  • Prohibit the disposal of firefighting foam containing PFAS, including via incineration, landfill, underground injection and export, until a safe disposal method is identified;
  • Provide a reasonable transition period accounting for the need for larger systems to replace their foam delivery systems;
  • Require foam manufacturers to take back all unused foam (including from DOD);
  • Require foam and PFAS manufacturers to safely store all unused foam until EPA has identified a safe method of disposal that eliminates PFAS;
  • Ensure the expenses for take back and storage will be shared between foam manufacturers and PFAS manufacturers (rather than the taxpayer or private business entities);
  • Require manufacturers of PFAS-containing firefighting gear to notify purchasers that it contains PFAS with written notice and labels on the gear.

Considerations for the Hydrogen Economy’s Midstream Needs

Kathryn Clay 0 224 Article rating: No rating

As the hydrogen economy races ahead, with substantial national and local incentives in place for developing both upstream and downstream technologies, there is a growing awareness of the need to develop the storage and distribution, or “midstream”, infrastructure required by the industry. California has reacted to this need by announcing that it will be creating and implementing a California Hydrogen Market Development Strategy, using an all-of-government approach to build out the hydrogen market. Complemented by the recent creation of California’s “infrastructure strike team”, this initiative includes provisions that help develop hydrogen storage and distribution that can support the growth in production and demand.

Superfund Is Not the Way to Regulate Bulk Terminal Firefighting Foam

Jay Cruz 0 366 Article rating: No rating

Last week, the International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA) filed comments with the Environmental Protection Agency on a proposal to regulate PFAS-containing aqueous-film forming foam (AFFF) under the under the nation’s Superfund law (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation & Liability Act of 1980).

ILTA Member Feature: Meridith Wilson, Buckeye Partners

Kathryn Clay 0 197 Article rating: No rating

Meridith Wilson, Vice President, Sustainability for Buckeye, has spent her career in the oil and gas industry, including having touchpoints with terminal operations as part of oil and gas midstream operations.

In her current role, Wilson enjoys many aspects of her job, but especially the interactions she has with the various functions across the organization in evaluating climate-change risks and opportunities.

“A close second would be simply supporting and watching Buckeye’s business strategy unfold,” Wilson said. “I’m excited about what the future holds for us at Buckeye.”

Over the course of her career, Wilson has seen a variety of constant changes, emphasizing that the industry is always evolving, whether it’s changes in technology, policy changes, or market conditions that spur different business strategies.

Liquid Terminals’ Role in a Growing International Market for Low-Carbon Fuels

Kathryn Clay 0 155 Article rating: No rating

As the energy transition continues on a global scale, the demand for new and increased storage and transportation of liquid fuels in North America is likely to both grow and shift. Energy and fuel demand are projected to increase through 2050 and, due to the nature of biofuels, hydrogen and other low-carbon fuels, there is a predicted change in global markets with new trade dynamics and roles for different regions.
